Thursday, 7 March 2013

ORIOLE 2013 survey - Help required (reward offered)

We have a (not-so little) online survey running which collects information about the contexts in which open resource use may occur, looking particularly at reuse of educational resources and attitudes to open resources. We aim to share the results as open data later this year. So we need your help in getting the URLs for this survey out to as many people as possible. If you are interested in knowing more about resource reuse then this data will be of use to you - the wider the set of respondants the better. A similar survey ran in 2011 and attracted 192 responses, we hope that with versions in English and Spanish we will attract more responses in 2013 and reach a more diverse audience.

Is there a reward besides this sharing of data? Well in 2011 and again in this survey we are offering £300 in donations to three selected charities. This year the same amount to Oxfam educational projects which the respondants can select from to reflect their interests.

So no, this is not a chance to win a natty techo-device, or a matched set of Amazon vouchers, but we hope that in sharing the survey data and in directing the budget to helping educational causes you can see the reward of taking part and spreading the word. We would particularly appreciate spreading news of this survey beyond the open education community and into your schools, colleges and universities so that those who are not actively involved in open resource sharing yet can help us understand what it would take to attract them.

To access the survey use the buttons on this page (right hand side), or these URLs: (English) (Spanish)

(PDF copy of the survey questions/design (English) (Spanish) here) Happy for you to reuse any of these you find useful.

You can learn a little more about the survey at and look out for Gema Santos and myself at OER13 towards the end of this month when we will be sharing some early results.