Monday, 13 June 2011

Oriole Really Re(Useful) Retreat

The ORIOLE RR Retreat took place from 12-14 June. It was a deliberately (perhaps too) unstructured time for people to bring their ideas to the surface and share, travelling along what I am starting to call the Promise/Practice continuum. Some very interesting work and a notable role play led by Helen Beetham. A sampling of the artefacts has been collected together on a posterous site by Simon Thomson (Leeds Met), much of it captured by the resident artist Karen Cropper (OLNET is only her 'day job'). Here is a pic of where it happened.

Working with Helen and Karen on a Blurb book to capture some of the event, including some elements which will be reuable (of course) and the whole thing as an open resource. Naturally.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Survey link now live to end of July - your entry will count (if you missed it before)

In order to try and allow time to collect more international responses to the survey, the link is now back up and will remain live until 31 July.

So please continue to publicise and, if you are UK-based and missed this the first time around please have a go this time. Its the same survey so don't do it twice please. Once is enough. I really appreciate the time those who did it earlier took on this. Some interesting data is emerging. More on this soon. Meanwhile if your own experience is not part of that data please have a go now.

